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SpaceX is now targeting April 30th to launch its Falcon 9 rocket
with its Dragon capsule to the International Space Station.
Overall the fight will last 21 days during which the uncrewed
spacecraft will bring 1,200 pounds of non-critical cargo to the
Originally the plan was to do one flight to test approaching
the ISS and then another to test docking but at SpaceX's request,
NASA agreed to combine them. The spacecraft will first spend a
few days in orbit on equipment tests and then it will be allowed
to approach the ISS close enough for the robotic arm to grab it
and dock it. At the end of the visit the craft will
be loaded up with 1,400 pounds of cargo for return to Earth
by parachute assisted splashdown in the ocean.
If the mission is a success then it's expected to be followed
by regular supply runs to the ISS. It will also be the only cargo
vessel that returns cargo to Earth. The Russian cargo craft, the
progress, and the European cargo craft, the Automated Transfer
Vehicle (ATV), both take on waste from the ISS which is burned
up along with the craft, on reentry into the Earth's thick atmosphere.
SpaceX's Dragon on the other hand is designed to one day carry crew
to and from space, starting first with just cargo.
Image: SpaceX
April 3, 2012 - Astrobotic to send Polaris rover to the moon's north pole
Astrobotic announced their plan to send their Polaris rover to
the moon's north pole region in late October 2015. It will launch
on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The lander is to be a Griffin, the same
type that'll be used for it's Red Rover lunar mission scheduled for
July 2015.
More details can be found
Credit: Astrobotic Technology
February 13, 2012 - Late April new date for SpaceX to visit the ISS
SpaceX is tentatively scheduled to launch it's Falcon 9 rocket
to send its Dragon capsule to the International Space Station
on April 20, 2012. This is to be its first visit, intended as a
test leading to the Dragon being used for cargo resupply runs.
Conducting extensive software testing has been the main reason
for the delay. This is prudent given all the launches,
deep space probes and even vehicles on the way to Mars that have
failed over the years to some extent due to software errors.
The original date was to be December 2011 but that was pushed to
February 2012 due to the launch failure of the Russian Soyuz,
which ceased manned visits to the ISS for a while.
Image: SpaceX
November 22, 2011 - Blue Origin's plans for going to orbit
After years of secrecy Blue Origin gave a glimpse of it's orbital plans.
On the surface they look a lot like SpaceX's. The 1st stage booster
will launch the 2nd stage and a capsule on their way to orbit. The
1st stage booster will then return to Earth and do a vertical powered
landing, making it fully reusable. The capsule will return via parachute.
No mention has been made of the reusability of the 2nd stage booster.
Some interesting features of the 1st stage booster can be seen in the
diagram at right. Near the base are some fins but more interesting is
the top of the booster. The top portion of the cylinder wall looks as
if while the 2nd stage is still attached it is flush with the rest of
the cylinder but after separation it appears as if it will spread out
to form an inverted cone. A guess is that this is intended to help
orient the booster vertically and keep it vertical for its return to
NASA/Blue Origin
Credit: Blue
October 22, 2011 - JP Aerospace's Tandem flies to record height to the edge of space
Source: JP
JP Aerospace is
a company with a goal of getting to space using airships and has
built and flew 126 missions to that end since 1993. Today
they flew their Tandem airship from the Black Rock desert in Nevada to
a record 95,085 feet (18 miles/30 km), considered the edge of space
and almost 4 miles higher than any previous airship.
The Tandem consists of a 30 foot long carbon fiber truss suspended
from two helium filled balloons. Attached to the truss are two
electric motor driven 6 foot propellers specially designed for the
thin atmosphere at those altitudes. At ground height the balloons
are just 10 feet in diameter but at altitude end up being 60 feet.
During the three hour flight the propellers were remotely spun up and
maneuvered the craft around. At the end of the mission, one of the
balloons burst and the command was sent to release the other.
The entire Tandem then returned to Earth using parachutes for a soft
Source: HobbySpace.com
September 29, 2011 - Elon Musk unveils Falcon 9 reusability plans at National Press Club luncheon
Elon Musk announced at the National Press Club luncheon
that SpaceX has a solution to how to make the Falcon 9 rocket reusable,
rather than having it break up as it returns to Earth. This would
significantly reduce the cost of going to orbit.
The first stage will have legs added to it, will rotate to
point the nozzle Earthward and reignite the engine to make a soft
landing. The second stage will be travelling much faster and so
will need a reentry shield in order to slow down somewhat, after
which it will ignite its rocket for a soft landing on legs.
As was already shown in the April 18, 2011 item below, the
Dragon capsule is already reusable. The full animation can be seen
At the luncheon, Elon mentioned also that the Dragon's flight to the
ISS has been pushed to at least January, 2012 (see below for the
news announcing it for December, 2011.)
1st stage landing. Source: SpaceX
Dragon landing. Source: SpaceX
August 5, 2011 - The Atlas V will launch the CST-100 to the International Space Station
NASA has selected the United Space Alliance's Atlas V rocket for
launching Boeing's CST-100 (Crew Space Transportation) space capsule
to the ISS. The purpose is to ultimately carry a crew of seven or
crew and cargo to and from the ISS. In 2015, ULA will do an
automomous orbital flight, a
transonic automonous abort test launch and a crewed launch if
Boeing is selected by NASA for a development contract.
Source: space-travel.com
Source: NASA
July 26, 2011 - SpaceX's Dragon will dock with ISS in December 2011
SpaceX and NASA have technically agreed that the next test of
SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will involve it docking with the
International Space Station. The agreement isn't formal yet but
plans are underway. The Dragon will launch aboard SpaceX's Falcon 9
rocket on November 30, 2011 and dock on December 7. Source: Newscientist.com
There will be no passengers in the Dragon spacecraft. Initial
plans are for cargo resupply only, though the intention is to
eventually carry people to and from the ISS.
Image: SpaceX
July 2011 - Bigelow moved to BA 330 development and is on SpaceX's online manifest
Bigelow's website in July 2011 states that Bigelow has moved
directly to development of their BA 330 inflatable habitat.
The habitat has a volume of 330 cubic meters (11,600 cubic feet)
and has an occupancy of 6 people on a long term basis. That's
the same occupancy as on the International Space Station.
The reasons given are customer demand and progress in commercial
crew transportation.
This is news because previously Bigelow had planned on also developing
a smaller 180 cubic meter habitat called Sundancer but all mention
of it has been removed from their website. It's also the second time
Bigelow has changed plans like this. The first time was when
plans to test a third unmanned habitat in space were abandoned
in favour of moving on to manned ones. Genesis I and Genesis II
were the first two unmanned habitats sent up.
On a side note, SpaceX's online manifest has a an interesting line
item. Bigelow Aerospace is scheduled to launch in 2014 from Cape
Canaveral on a Falcon 9 rocket.
April 18, 2011 - SpaceX awarded $75 million by NASA for launch escape sytem... and planetary lander
NASA awarded SpaceX $75 million which SpaceX will use for the launch
escape system for its Dragon spacecraft. A few things that are unique
about this:
- it will be integrated into the capsule itself, rather than having
a separate tractor type escape system above the capsule (see diagrams
- a separate system would have to be jettisoned after liftoff, which
is inherently more dangerous,
- it can be used for landing too.
Annotated version of Artists image. Click on the above
to see the original credited to SpaceX.
Click on the image to see the original sourced from NASA.
But also unique is SpaceX's plan to use this same escape system
as a landing system capable of landing back on Earth or any other
planet. The following video from SpaceX shows the Dragon
spacecraft landing on Mars.
here or on the image taken from the video below for a separate window with the video.
April 5, 2011 - SpaceX announces Falcon Heavy details
SpaceX released details about its Falcon Heavy:
- Capable of lifting 53,000 kg (117,000 lb) to low Earth orbit.
That's more twice the payload mass of either the Space Shuttle
or the Delta 4 Heavy. To put it in perspective, that's 36
average sized cars at 3200lbs each.
- Price: $80 million to $150 million. This is signicantly cheaper
than the Delta 4 Heavy.
- Meets the no-longer-mythical $1000/lb to orbit.
- Expected to be at the pad in 2012 and launch in 2013.
- First launch from Vandenberg, California but will also launch
from Cape Canaveral, Forida.
- Two Falcon Heavys could send humans to the moon's surface and
back; one for the journey out and one to send the return vehicle.
- A Falcon Heavy will be able to send one of their Dragon
spacecraft for a flyby around the moon, and even further out
than the Apollo went.
Image: SpaceX
February 6, 2011 - Astrobotic to send robot to the moon as soon
as December 2013
Astrobotic Technology has booked a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch for as
soon as December 2013 to fly a robot, named Red Rover, to the moon.
It'll land near the Apollo 11 landing site and explore for three
months. They then plan to follow this with another expedition every
year, the one in 2014 to be a mining rover with a bucket wheel for
scooping soil into a bin.
Credit: Astrobotic Technology
February 1, 2011 - Bigelow Aerospace and UAE sign memorandum of
understanding (MoU) to explore spaceflight program
Bigelow Aerospace and the Emirates Institute for Advanced Science
and Technology (EIAST) signed an MoU to work together on a
new era of human spaceflight for Dubai and the UAE. This will include
work on a world class microgravity research and development program,
possibly with a focus on advanced biotechnology applications and
other commercial space-related activities.
January 15, 2011 - NASA talking about attaching a Bigelow inflatable
module to the ISS
Between 1997 and 2000, NASA researched the idea of attaching
an inflatable module, called TransHab, to the International
Space Station (ISS). This research was cancelled and was later
picked up by Bigelow Aerospace who is turning it into real
hardware in the form of the Bigelow Orbital Complex to be
launched in 2014.
In an interesting turn of events, a meeting recently took place
at Johnson Spaceflight Center to discuss the possibility of
attaching a Bigelow inflatable module to the ISS.
TransHab attached to ISS. Source: NASA